Monday, December 26, 2005

Kae captures his Lao Dior's (husband of my aforementioned aunt... see pic below this) legs... He had no idea Kae could take photos and was shocked! Kae took pics of him but out of respect for my uncle, I have chosen to put up only those which respects his privacy =D Posted by Picasa

Kae's favorite Lao Gou... my Dad's eldest sister...  Posted by Picasa

The globe is something Kae loves so much. He got his wish when he was given a globe by my uncle but I was suprised when he captured the globe of the world on telly's Nat Geo with his globe! Coincidence? Good timing? =) Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 23, 2005

Photos taken by Kae this evening/afternoon

Here are four photos to look at when you are bored. - Kaelen (really he said that)

It is interesting how at 3, Kae can see the different things that make up this home in so many different ways. Each of his photos of our house and its surroundings is always so fresh to me with each new viewing. - Kae's Mummy

The photo of our patio doors... the colour is very blue because it was going to rain whales and elephants! Posted by Picasa

Mama's mini orange tree... the butterflies love to lay eggs on the leaves and then the caterpillars eat up the leaves. Poor tree. Do U know the hummingbird hums to the flowers and then give it to the bees? Butterflies drink the flower honey and grow the eggs and the eggs have no shell, no nothing then the caterpillar will come out then the caterpillar will eat the leaves and become a beautiful butterfly! (quoting Kaelen all the way)...  Posted by Picasa

The cast iron fence... Mummy is amazed that I made it look bendy just like I did to the photo of Gong Gong's favorite TV watching place below somewhere... Posted by Picasa

I took photos of Mama's orchids today. Can you see all the three colours? Got dark purple and light purple and yellow!  Posted by Picasa

Brand new pictures drawn totally by Kaelen =D

Heya =) Here are new pictures drawn by Kae over the last 2 days w/o any of our help or suggestion. He's been putting his mind where his hand is and churning out some pretty nice stuff! Better than what I could do at 3... Enjoy! --- Kae's Mummy

"This is Rhonda the whale... jumps out of the ocean causing a big huge wave...see the water spraying out its blow hole. With the bright Sun, white clouds and blue skies over it." - Kaelen Posted by Picasa

Oshika the penguin... dun ask me where Kae gets all these names... =) Lol Posted by Picasa

Aprinda the bird... that is yet to hatch... in a nest on a tree that is in a field... his mum's flown off to find food. According to Kaelen... =) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A birdy that I drew today... Mum said it looks really good and that she's really proud of me =D
I made sure I added a nice beak and eyes, feathery wings and feet... sometims I doodle alot but when I try hard I can draw nice pictures like this!

After Mum praised me, I tried hard to draw a turtle. Here it is. I made sure there were 4 legs...
I also drew the tail in and gave it a smile!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

My "crane" and I... peering up into Mummy's camera... Posted by Picasa

Mummy took a photo of me taking a photo of my tower... but that photo I took was shakey. Posted by Picasa

So happy that I built a tower taller than me! Mum snapped this for me. Posted by Picasa

My current lot of toys... some of them... =D I was trying to use my fingers as a frame. What do U think? Posted by Picasa

The Christmas Tree and my crane! Posted by Picasa

5 more days to Christmas... so exciting! Can't wait to see all my new toys!! Posted by Picasa

Mummy was answering the phone... I was taking her foot tapping... =) Posted by Picasa

A nice reflection =) I thought it was interesting that it matched the sliding door thread... Posted by Picasa

Gong Gong's slippers and mine... big shoes to fill =) I hope my next slipper is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one... Mummy says she will look out for it.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 19, 2005

Lilies... oops my finger went before the lens. Posted by Picasa

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Mummy... Posted by Picasa

I took the photo of Mum's camera taking a photo of me!  Posted by Picasa

On our way out... the path out... Posted by Picasa

A Lily outside our place. Posted by Picasa